Welcome to Next Steps
It’s a very exciting time at the Stables Farm and we’ve been making some great changes to our facilities. As part of these improvements we have also been working very hard on our educational experience including work experience see the images of some of the animals we have and also what NOCN Qualifications you can gain.
On this course, young people learn about:
caring for animals and their welfare
general site maintenance including fencing concreting and carpentry
health and safety
Throughout the course, we help them to develop attitudes and behaviours that relate to a working environment.
All courses are accredited by NOCN recognised qualifications your first steps to farming or even been a vet.
By caring for the farm's animals and the site, these placements offer the young people the chance to participate within their community and meet new friends.
As well as gaining new skills, they also develop better self esteem, confidence and team work skills.